Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I made a presentation to the school board this evening regarding our plans for the refresh plan. They were very receptive and approved the plans. So, the next step will be to finish researching which netbook we will purchase. Depending on what one we decide on, we may be able to purchase 96 instead of the 72 originally planned for. Which would, inturn, get us very close to a 1-to-1 at our middle school on the 7 - 8 level.

I am very much liking the Asus Eee 1000HE I am typing this blog with. It has some very interesting features, and is my favorite so far for various reasons. I do believe I will push for the purchase of this one with a memory upgrade to 2 GB.

They also approved an additional, faster wireless link from our elementary building to our middle school building. We have chosen to go with the Solectek radios which allow for some dynamic bandwidth throttling. That feature alone swayed us toward the Solectek solution. I really cannot wait to have the additional bandwidth to that building. It will greatly improve the middle school's access to the Internet and the rest of the network.

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