Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lightspeed TTC

It has been a while since my last post. If anyone reading this is an IT person in a school district you will understand why. With the end of summer and the start of a new school year, things get extremely hectic. With the start to the school year this year came the purchase of Lightspeed TTC for Okoboji Community School District.

I am learning it as I go and will take the included training session as soon as possible, but until then first impressions are great. It was a little overwhelming at first just because it can do so much. However, it was not long before I was finding my way around the interface and quickly becoming used to the very logical locations of things. As I use it more and more it is becoming very easy to work with compared to our previous solution.

I have yet to deploy the Security Agent beyond some test machines, but that has also proven easily configurable. Once I get a little time to learn that as well, it will be deployed. I want the end-user experience of the Security Agent to be very minimal if not non-existent. I will do my best to keep you posted as to the progress on this project.

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