Tuesday, January 12, 2010

eInstruction's InterWrite School Pad 400

The new school year brought some new technology to Okoboji Community School DIstrict in the InterWrite SchoolPad 400. I am one to extensively demo every product before making a purchase when possible. In this case I demoed 5 different units before deciding on this particular model. I also like to have beta groups test any new technology in the classrooms before we make any large purchases of that technology. So, this year 12 teachers at Okoboji will be test driving the SchoolPad 400s in their classrooms.

First impressions are great. One of the teachers that is testing the units happens to be my wife who teaches 7th grade language arts. She is loving it. I am really hoping her enthusiasm toward the product spreads to the others, because she is coming up with new ways to use it daily. Also, I feel that the SchooPad 400s have the ability to make an impact on student engagement in the classrooms for a fraction of the price of a full-on interactive whiteboard. As always, I will keep you posted on future developments with this project.

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